Julia and Rana Solicitors have a dedicated corporate and commercial team that can help advise entities such as companies, businesses, and other enterprises. We understand that the UK has many SMEs that require affordable legal expertise on matters that can help them take their business to the next level.
Julia and Rana Solicitors can help your business in the early stages. Our service offering in relation to corporate and commercial work includes corporate governance, intellectual property, commercial contacts, and regulatory training.
We also specialise in making deals and resolving shareholders’ disputes if any arise. Our goal is to achieve everything in a legal and fair way for all parties involved.

Corporate and commercial advice and assistance are required for every business in the UK at one point or another. We make sure whether it is a new or an old client, everyone is given prompt assistance at Julia and Rana Solicitors.
We can negotiate, prepare and advise on an extensive range of commercial contracts such as:
- Franchise
- Agency and Distribution Agreements
- Advertising and Marketing Agreements
- Outsourcing Agreements
- Software and IT
- Framework Agreements
- E-commerce
- Sponsorship and Strategic Alliances.
Whether you are dealing with your suppliers, customers, service providers, or any third party regarding your business, we can draw binding contracts for you which will secure your business’ future and minimising risk for any sort of liability or loss.